
I’m a yoga teacher trained in the Viniyoga tradition by the American Viniyoga Institute.  I am a SAHM trained in the traditional method of Nobody-Told-Me-How-Hard-This-Is.  Trial by fire.  My dog-eared copy of “Dr. Sears The Baby Book” and I have been through a lot these last 4+ years.

When I started this blog I was living in a bohemian utopia town and in the midst of a beautiful pregnancy replete with yoga, birth classes, good nutrition, and plenty of time to make a belly cast.  My son’s birth was a sweet,  peaceful home birth that led to a sweet peaceful infancy full of love and sleep deprivation so intense that more than once I googled  “can I die from no sleep?”.  Answer:  maybe.  I blame sleep deprivation brain and Dr. Sears for the mere 22 months, 2 weeks and 6 days that separate my son and daughter.  My daughter’s birth was just as beautiful a home birth as my son’s but she was born with terrible GERD.  She screamed 14 hours a day, didn’t sleep, and didn’t stop screaming in pain until she was 11 months old.

Then we moved to a 3rd world occupied country across the globe from my friends and family where I was a yoga teacher and a SAHM living under occupation in Ramallah, West Bank, Palestine with my beloved husband and my 2 kids who are my heart and soul.  While in Ramallah, I was honored to direct and teach in Palestine’s first ever yoga teacher training program at Farashe Yoga in Ramallah.  (farasheyoga.org)

Now my family and I are undergoing a time of major transition and change.  I am still a SAHM, but now we are immersed in the work of beginning again in a new place.

This blog is my family’s adventure.

14 thoughts on “About

  1. Thank you for sharing your experiences! As a second-generation Palestinian-American who continues to contemplate the possibility of moving to Palestine, I’ve found your writing to be eye-opening, inspirational, and extremely resourceful.

    • Wow, thank you for reading. I’m happy to help answer any question you have about the move and life as an expat…stay in touch and all the best to you.

  2. I’m moving to Pal with my husband on December 28th. I can’t tell you how happy I was to come across your blog. I’m from Atlanta, GA. I can’t wait to read more.

  3. Hi there! Because I enjoy not only your writing but also your pictures, I have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. Enjoy!

  4. Hello!

    I came across to this amazing blog while I looking to find a camera person in Ramallah. I hope this message finds you well! I am very amazed by your interesting life and found this blog fascinating!

    My name is Sara Khaki and I am in the Social documentary program at School of Visual Arts in New York. The main character I am following for my documentary is a plastic surgeon who travels to different parts of the world to work with victims of war and trauma. He happens to be in Ramalla this upcoming weeka and I am hoping to find someone to follow him while he is there.

    If you happen to have any information about how I can go about hiring a camera person, I would highly appreciate it!


    Sara Khaki

  5. I’m not quite ready to write about it, but I also lived in the Middle East for a while … I have many wonderful and many sad memories of my time there. Good luck juggling things until your family is together again. It’s tough, but doable.

  6. I came across this blog in search of someone else who is American and has lived in Palestine. My husband is from Bethlehem and moved there a few weeks ago, not only for a job offer, but because his entire family lives there as well. Now its up to me on whether i move there with him, or go our separate ways, which I’m really struggling with. I would like to talk with you more about your experience there. My email is rachael.salahat@gmail.com. I really look forward to hearing from you.

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